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You are here: Home » News » News » NKS Power at Shanghai International Electric Power Exhibition 2023

NKS Power at Shanghai International Electric Power Exhibition 2023

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On November 15th. -17th., 2023, Shanghai International Electric Power Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai EP Exhibition) held in Shanghai New International Expo Center. With the theme of "Leading the electric power industry, opening the door of future energy", the exhibition focused on the latest technology, equipment and solutions of the electric power industry. And the development of new energy, smart grid and other fields. Shenzhen Nan Kai Sheng Power Technology Co., Ltd. (NKS Power) brought power cable accessories at the exhibition.

EP China

Shanghai EP Exhibition, started in 1986, sponsored by the China Electricity Council and the State Grid, has become one of the world's most influential exhibitions in the field of power electricians, and is also the future vane of new electric power, green energy storage and other industries.

Shanghai EP Exhibition

In this exhibition, NKS Power displayed high and Medium voltage power cable accessories,like separable connectors, premoulded cold shrink/heat shrink terminations and jointing, busbar connectors, GIS plug-in termination,epoxy resin bushings, arrester and other products, attracting many domestic and foreign industry related customers to visit.

NKS Power

Enabling new types of electricity for a low-carbon future. Shanghai EP Exhibition is the top event in the field of power electricians, representing the highest requirements for materials in the field of power energy, and is also one of the most important platforms for the company to link strategic industries and strategic customers. In the future, the strategy and market center will continue to coordinate the layout and planning, with the help of the most professional and influential exhibition platform in the industry, to show the world the first-class products of NKS Power, and establish the corporate image of the first brand in the cable accessories industry.

The company adheres to the concept of environmental friendliness and smart connection, and is willing to work with you to create green and sustainable development, leading smart technology power industry.

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