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2024 IEEE PES T&D Conference

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-06-24      Origin: Site

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The IEEE PES T&D Conference & Expo 2024 May6th-9th in Anaheim, California, USA came to a successful close this year. As one of the most professional influential events in the electricity industry worldwide, it was an honor for NKS Power's export manager, Bonnie Wei, to attend this global event. It aligns with the global vision of our CEO, Mr. Yuhai, who has dedicated his life to contributing to the development of renewable energy and sustainability on our green planet.

We eagerly look forward to joining in on the next IEEE EXPO in 2026. Here we express our sincere gratitude for the connections made with prominent industry giants and prospects of mutual growth cooperation between them and NKS Power.

The IEEE PES T&D Conference & Expo is renowned for bringing together electricity experts, scholars, and business representatives from all over the world. It is the largest and most influential event in the electricity industry. At the expo, the latest electricity technologies and solutions were showcased, such as smart grid, renewable energy, energy storage, distribution automation, among others. These will undoubtedly assist the electricity industry in improving efficiency, reliability, and sustainability.

This conference also serves as a solid foundation for industry exchange and cooperation, allowing electricity industry experts and business representatives to share experiences, explore cooperation opportunities, and jointly promote the progress of the electricity industry


The company adheres to the concept of environmental friendliness and smart connection, and is willing to work with you to create green and sustainable development, leading smart technology power industry.

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